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B-CLENZ Barium Sulphate SOLUTION

B-CLENZ Barium Sulphate SOLUTION

b-clenz-suphate illustration


Barium Sulphate, BaSO4 is the scale that is precipitated in production tubing due to a disturbance in system pressures, temperatures, and the mixing of incompatible waters.
BaSO scales – Reduces Tubing ID, clogs formation 4 pores & perforation, (Production loss). Enhance Corrosion & equipment damage, (Revenue loss).


  • Deeper penetration into organic and non-organic deposition compared to other conventional solvents.
  • Immediate reaction with wax and scale.
  • The solution needs no additional treatment on the surface and is 100% compatible with crude
  • Restores the Tubing/Pipeline close to
    design flow rate by removing all the scale and deposits


  • Increase Production
  • Dissolve Barite
  • Reactivate non-producing Wells
  • Save time, save money, increase revenue