Flow Assurance Products
 One of the most challenging task in the petroleum production operations is to assure fluid flow. Equatorial Oilfield Services deploys the most efficient production enhancement solutions to identify, quantify and mitigate flow risks such as solid deposition (wax, scale, skin effects, etc) in tubing, risers, pipelines and other surface facilities.

Drilling Procurement Solutions
Downhole tool supply & rentals
High torque & drag resulting from spiral well patterns is a severe problem in drilling and completion operations. EQOS deploys cutting-edge reamers, shoes and centralizers for a smooth RIH & POOH. Our down-hole tools permit a better hole quality, less torque, less tripping, quicker time to bottom, longer runs, more power to the BHA, and reduce or eliminate difficulties to run casings in hole.
Rig Supply
Are you in need of a rig supplier? You can rely on us to help overcome the varying challenges associated with supply of land rigs, swamp rigs, shallow and Jack Up rigs. Our expert team works together with operators and suppliers to keep costs down and mitigate risk through all aspects of the supply chain.