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B-EXO Dual Pack Wax

B-EXO Dual Pack Wax

b-exo illustration


B-EXO is a unique thermochemical system consisting of two chemical pills which are injected simultaneously into the targeted location (i.e. Well, Pipeline, Heat Exchangers, etc.).

The resultant reaction will generate in-situ heat of between 125ºC to 175ºC and an Ester. Combining the effect of thermal energy and chemical solvency has proven to be highly effective in dissolving, dispersing, dislodging, and removing organic solid Wax deposits.


  • Needs no additional treatment on the surface.
  • Prevents redeposition of wax at low temperature
  • Is compatible with formation rock, reservoir fluids, well completion accessories, and refinery products
  • Restores rock wettability
  • Are an excellent demulsifier and corrosion inhibitor


  • Increase Production
  • Reactivate non-producing Wells
  • Improve matrix Stimulation
  • Improve Production rate
  • Save time, save money, increase revenue