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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

Manpower Support Services


Manpower Support Services

EQOS is focused in training and managing qualified personnel to generate results that meet local and international standards for our clients.

Through the use of our local resource talents merged with international support, EQOS is focused in training and managing qualified personnel to generate results that meet local and international standards for our clients. We deliver total Manpower support services to the upstream, midstream & downstream sectors of the oil & gas industry. These services cover sourcing, placement, and support of skilled workers and administration of their welfare which aim to ensure contractors are kept safe, paid promptly, and are equipped with all they need to focus on their work, and as a result clients are able to focus on their core business activities. Our success comes from the quality of our staff and their expertise in the use of in-house and external resources.