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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA




Our HSE records are excellent and our prices are competitive

At Equatorial Oilfield Services, we are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our workers and the environment in all our operations. We recognize that the oil and gas industry involves various hazards and risks that can result in fatalities, injuries, illnesses, environmental damage, and property loss. Therefore, we have implemented a comprehensive HSE management system that covers all aspects of our activities, from seismic exploration to decommissioning. Our HSE system aims to prevent accidents and incidents by identifying and eliminating potential hazards, developing best practices and standards, providing adequate training and equipment, conducting regular audits and inspections, and fostering a culture of safety awareness and responsibility among our employees. We also strive to minimize our environmental impact by reducing emissions, waste, spills, noise, and water consumption; using renewable energy sources where possible; restoring disturbed land; and engaging with local communities on environmental issues. By adhering to our HSE policies and objectives, we aim to achieve operational excellence while protecting our people and the planet.